Testimonals |
I am a 29 year veteran of the counseling and coaching profession: serving the Beijing community for the past 9+ years. During my time in Beijing I have worked closely with Veronica Ho and refer clients to her on a regular basis. I have watched Veronica grow her practice and with great confidence can say that Veronica provides the highest professional standards of care.
Veronica has a gift and a passion for the work she is called to do in dance/play/movement therapy. She sees each person as a whole and thus she attends to the mind the body and the spirit as she serves those who seek her care. I must add, that at the core of her work, is a true desire to help children and adults alike find the way to thrive: not just today but for a lifetime of fully living into all one is created to be.
Veronica has effectively helped many children living in difficult emotional situations (school, home, self, disorder, trauma). She helps children express what they cannot express in words and then develops a plan to assist the child in dealing with fears, impulse control, anxiety, shame and other issues of self-esteem, delay or disorder. Further she helps the child by utilizing movement and play to vent anger, stress and to find self- reflection for stronger psycho-social development. This work also helps children develop, confidence, focus, keen motor skills and physical balance: a very intentional practice.
Veronica also has an exceptional record of working with adults in groups and as individuals. She attends to adults with adjustment disorders, anxiety, low self-esteem, eating disorders, and victims of trauma and life stress. Her techniques of; movement, building life giving inner dialogue and incorporating the healing elements and introspective properties of physical movement helps adults find a renewed sense of hope and a confidence.
This practice restores the true sense of self, delivers affirmation and energy and provides reflection that brings growth. In my professional opinion, everyone in today's, out of balance, chaotic world should be engaged in one of Veronica's movement groups for self- care and balance.
The thing I most admire about Veronica and her work is that her focus is genuinely on those she serves. She really desires wellness, healing and wholeness in all those who come her way. It is a rare attribute but a critical difference between Veronica and other providers. She never stops learning in both formal and informal ways. She gives keen attention to those she serves, her community and the ever changing world we face, so that she may provide for the true needs of the individual. Veronica is intentional in her own process of growth and transformation both personally and professional, all in her effort to serve others well. Don't forget, she is listening very closely to you as you speak and as you move: that is a rare skill in this world.
I cannot encourage you strongly enough to contact Veronica, if you or someone you love is struggling emotionally, spiritually, physically or in life crisis, confusion or due to the effects of stress. It is time for your whole self to feel better.
Tebow Stephannie, Counselor, Educator, Coach and Trainer (United State) |
Veronica undertakes these challenges with creativity, flexibility, tenacity and care for our special children. We are very appreciative of her efforts in being part of the team.
She has a proven track record of success. She has to deal with a big age group (7 to 20), but due to her professionalism and training skills, she is able to ensure considerable improvement in each child.
She has the necessary language and intercultural skills that contributed to her success. She is an absolutely reliable, trustworthy and passionate person who is dedicated to children with special needs.
Dolores Van Dongen, Principal of Sunshine Learning Center (Beijing) |
Dear Veronica, thank you so much for your great contribution in Leadership Development Training for World Vision sponsored by Cummins.
The therapeutic dancing you uniquely and creatively designed for the participants blended perfectly with the overall framework of the training. It brought trainees with completely new experience and learning. In the inspiring and relaxing environment you created, every trainee explored themselves at a deeper level.
It made the whole training project much more effective and lively.
I highly appreciate your contributing spirit. Your whole-hearted support means a lot to this training and greatly inspired all of us. With all your talent and passion in dancing therapy, I believe you will inspire more people and help them achieve their goals.
Julie Liu, Chairman of Cummins China Investment Company (Beijing)
I have taken several classes with Veronica in the past few years, and each time with her has been a joyful experience. In her classes, she gives time and space for each student to feel free to move themselves in their own way, so that no one feels left out or less able than others. At the same time, as a teacher, she is attentive to how students do the exercises and dance, being careful that they enable themselves to use their bodies in a safer way, and to improve and become more expressive as dancers.
I have loved to dance since the age of 9, but have never thought that my first choreography would be from the Book of Psalms. With the encouragement of Veronica at her choreography workshop, I realize that to use the poetry of the Psalms, but to draw from my own life’s experiences would be like the giving of personal testimony; and rather than doing it through our voices, we can also tell our story, and give testify to others through our bodily expressions as well."
Stella Kao, Participant of Sacred Dance Workshops (Hong Kong)
I had great honor to join Veronica’s sacred dance workshop covering the dance titles - “Love so amazing” and “Christmas gift to God” when she visited in Hong Kong in December 2012. During the dancing lessons, Veronica always invokes the Bible’s scriptures and teaches us how to share and appreciate the God’s grace. Regarding her teaching skills, she always takes care of our concerns, understands our strength and weakness, and never puts any pressure on us. She inspired me very much in dancing and I had decided to further develop my talent in sacred dance with an open heart and positive mind.
After the lessons, we had an opportunity to make a public performance in early January 2013 and it turned out to be a very successful event. Finally, I would like to express my warmest appreciation to Veronica as she teaches me to dance with heart and emotion and makes me come closer to the God.
Susan Tam, Participant of Sacred Dance Workshops (Hong Kong)
I was the Director of Beijing Playhouses 2012 holiday production of Snow White. It was my first experience working with Veronica Ho. Veronica did a spectacular job as our Dance Choreographer. The Snow White cast consisted of 33 actors varying in ages from 4 to 50, some with dancing experience, most with none. The show opened with a musical dance number that included all 33 members of the cast. I could not have been happier or more proud of their performance of this number and it was all due to Veronica Ho. There were many dance numbers in the show and they were all a hit with the audience. The final scene in Act One was a dance number with the seven dwarves. (4 were children and three were adults). When the number finished and the curtain closed for intermission the audience at every performance was disappointed because they were having so much fun. I had never witnessed anything like it before, it was wonderful and something I will never forget.
Veronica Ho is special, the way she was able to motivate the cast both young and old, her knowledge of dance, her interpretation of what I wanted in each number was all spot on.
It was also remarkable the way she worked with the children in the cast. Veronica Ho is one of a kind in the dance industry and I would consider it a privilege to be able to work with her again.
Michael J. Gralapp, Director of Beijing Playhouse (Beijing)
Anna, who is four, looks forward to her classes with Veronica with
such enthusiasm; she gets dressed in tights and tutu hours before we
go. During the summer, she spoke of how much she looked forward to the
dance classes, and now says she wants to be a dance teacher when she
grows up!
Anna is very single-minded, and one of the things we particularly
enjoy as parents is the way she is given scope by Veronica to express
herself within the class context. There is discipline there, of
course, but room too for Anna to explore things and be creative, and
that is something wonderful.
Clifford Coonan, Anna’s Father (Beijing)
Miss Veronica Ho was a choreographer for our annual “Star of Christmas” musical performance in Time Square. Her warm and extremely pleasant personality greatly contributed to the success of our performance. We appreciated Veronica’s professionalism, her unique teaching style and method and her patience when dealing with dancers coming from a variety of backgrounds and training. She was able to inspire the dancers and brought out the best in each one. It was, indeed, a joy working with Veronica.
Christina, Chairperson of The CEO Foundation (Hong Kong)
欧醒华, 九龙活石堂牧师 (香港)
只要有小媚在的地方,便有朝气和活力,因为你会被她身上的能量(energy)和热情(passion)所感染。因此,上她的课,你会感受到她的那份阳光,加上小媚 认真的教学,以及对学生个别的关心,学员实在获益不浅。
刘正文 Eric Lau,基督教舞蹈协会总监 (香港)
在与同伴的相互观察中,我看着她“郑重”“自在”地在舞动的人群中穿梭,最后安坐在角落里,不急不缓,不苦不甜,依如她生命的历程,心中泛起感动。轮到 我时,自己早已不在意身体的状态,只是自由地从此处“游”到彼处,依着性子和感觉。当同伴说出看到我的“坚持”时,心中一阵阵地激动,似乎有无数的言语就在嘴边,却又不必一一说来了。
赵凯,首都师范大学心理咨询中心专职教师及中国心理学会临床与咨询心理学专业人员 (北京) |
短短的三年,参与妳教授的课程,从“经文默想舞蹈之彩虹、圣诞节的工作坊、天堂在我心、经文创作舞步、圣经默想舞蹈系列之彩虹及安然在主手中”,每个课程也有不同的感受。其中“天堂在我心” 课程,这课程不懂用笔墨去形容,真的很开心,很轻松的学习,很享受,很自由地起舞。当每一次回想课堂的片段,心里有很大的感 动,当全情投入去跳舞的时候,而且不须刻意记着舞步,随音乐就能舞动,气氛不 错,最重要是有很大的空间,真的可以很自由地起舞。我认为此课程,是导师特别去编排,让我感受在上帝的同在,心中充满喜乐。
Peggy Chan, 靈修舞蹈課程学员 (香港) |
第一个部分是互相认识。刚开始的时候我有点紧张,当我介绍自己的时候,我开始打开自己。我觉得你的那个问题很好:“如果让你介绍一下你自己,你希望说些什 么?”而你的自我介绍,也让我对你更加了解和信任。
第三个部分是为自己设计“新衣服”。这是我最喜欢的部分,好像回到了童年时代,充满了好奇和创造力。跟衣服共舞的过程,感觉到那种轻柔的质感,让我觉得身体也可以有更多的灵活和变化。而在设计过程中,我觉得自己在自己的内心更加打开,我希望我的人生更加丰富而美好。接纳自己——活出自己——学会建立关系,这都是我在未来需要学习的功课。之前在这些方面有所缺失,不过没关系,一步步来补就好 了。创造力和幽默感是我的资源,但当我紧张的时候它们就会消失。
左明华, 高级职业规划师 (北京) |
于2010年12月便开始跟Veronica上课, 我觉得非常幸运, 可遇到一位好导师, 她为人随和, 态度真诚亲切, 又重视、关心及尊重每位学员, 使我感受到自己不再似是路人 某某……., 感受到我是存在的……!!! 她常常给予大家鼓励, 让我们明白跳舞是要觉得享受的, 用不着担心舞步的错与对, 也不需要在意是否跳得不好, 没有必要给自己加添压力, 只要我们用真情地跳……真心的向神献上舞蹈…… 便已足够。上课时, 她会用不同方法令大家放松, 例如把室内灯光调暗, 使课堂气氛更显宁静, 让大家更容易投入当中的习作, 享受课堂的一切; 又或是她会让我们有轻松愉快的自由舞步环节等等……, 透过曾经参加的几个课程, 可以见识到Veronica不同的授课方式, 是很有得着的。
对于「彩虹」这课程, 印象最为深刻, 因既参加了两次, 而且又是首次跟Veronica上课, 开始见识到她的精彩授课方式, 在舞蹈那部份, 她安排其中一段让我们自由构思舞步, 大家可以随自己心意、感觉而舞, 我舞得乐在其中……, 差点儿忘掉了自己是在上课中, 也有围圈而舞, 这样便可以望到其他人, 大家容易有眼神接触, 増加了互动感, 这份感觉原来很好; 跳「彩虹」这舞时, 手里拿着丝巾跳舞, 原来也会带出一份感觉的, 我在两次的课堂中, 分别有不同感受:
第一次的「彩虹」课堂时, 当在舞蹈完成时, 大家拿着丝巾的一端, 一同跪在十字架前, 另有两位同学拿起所有丝巾的另一端高举着, 望着各种颜色的丝巾在晃动中, 那刻感到好像真的见到了彩虹, 心里有份特别感觉, 觉得好像由这条彩虹路往上走呀……走……, 便会看见天父啊!
第二次的「彩虹」课堂时, 在自由舞步那时, 跳舞时的内心感受多了, 可以忘我地闭上眼睛, 握着丝巾把自己围起来, 竟然在那一刻, 感受到好像被天父拥在怀里, 那份感觉很温 暖, 亦很激动, 竟哭了起来, 这是我意想不到。
Betty Lok,靈修舞蹈課程学员 (香港) |
自己才是自己最好的朋友。有时候我总在发愁找不到自己的知音,觉得自己很孤独,但这一晚上,我似乎找到了那个知音,就是自己呀!找一段时间和自己相处, 安慰她,鼓励她,接纳她,给她力量。今晚的猫课,何老师带着我们一起跳舞,和自己相处。
信任,勇气,感恩,自尊,这些主题又让我更深的与自己对话,这几个词在最近也确实给我带来了困扰:我应该完全地信任朋友吗?怎样才能有勇气说不?亲密却又彼此伤害过的朋友,应该憎恨还是感恩?当感觉到别人不尊重我时,我又该怎样处理呢,是生气?还是一笑而过?还是。。。?四张不同颜色的纸,表达了我对四个词的想 法,第五张纸是我想做的改变,写了好几条,写完后觉得自己更有勇气去面对这些困难和疑问了,并且充满希望和改正的信心。
张艺川, 首都师范大学学生 (北京) |
Catherine Tom, 靈修舞蹈課程学员 (香港) |
舞蹈对我而言是透过身体表达的一种语言,平常上舞蹈课多是按着导师的编排来舞 动,表达出来的是编舞的原意加上舞者的演绎。我希望进一步由创作起步,尝试整体由头到尾的以身体表达,故报读了这个工作坊。
很享受所用的诗歌,动作在当中的溶合,加上经文分享、默想、自由随音乐起舞,有个人心领神会的表达,也有群体的合一舞蹈敬拜。 Veronica的笑脸也给参加者带来不少鼓励和正能量。
Scarlette Cheng, 靈修舞蹈課程学员 (香港) |
小媚老师, 很高兴可以跟您学习灵修舞和编舞课程! 我已年过七十,本来有点担心再过(老)几年,体力、脑力渐渐退化,跳不动以及记不住灵修舞蹈步骤之时,不知该做什么运动才好? 但在老师的指导下做了二次的"与神共舞"之后,不但非常的喜欢,更有更加亲近神、跳后有释放的感觉,而且得到启示:如果选到合适的圣诗,在神的带领下,是可以就住自己的体力、脑力等能力,随意地调整跳的速度和强度等等, 谢谢老师
Hay, 靈修舞蹈課程学员 (香港) |
今天的活动我觉得都很棒,我的第一个惊喜是虽然大家是第一次见面,居然有人一下子就能觉察到我的童心未泯,真奇妙。也许所谓的"陌生人"并不一定真地对你陌 生,熟人也不一定真的熟悉你。我需要做的是把心打开,接纳别人并表达真我,自然会有人接纳我。第二个惊喜是,我其实挺了解自己的,当我开始挑选做衣服的材料 时,第一眼看到红色的棒棒,就想到了毛毛虫的触角。于是我决定做一件毛毛虫装,在背后贴上了天蓝色的翅膀,群边粘了蓝色碎片,前面坠了两个气球。我发现原来我能够觉察自己有一颗爱别人的心,而且多数时候我能以这颗心面对世界,但同时我也有一颗冷静,把自己封闭起来的心,当我受伤时就会用这颗心对待世界。而现在,我缀了一串紫色飘带在中间,我在努力学习调和这两种底色,学会平衡,我要去爱,即使受伤害,也还是要去爱,同时你说得很对,自己是自己最好的朋友,我要试着接纳我的不完美和无力之处,但依然相信自己。我想我以后会多花一些时间做这样的游 戏,来好好地鼓励自己。这都要感谢你!
第三个惊喜,是发现其实我并不孤单,两个小时的活动就让我结识了很多新朋 友,发现被别人说幼稚,内心简单充满童真的人原来挺多的,呵呵。而且大家的价值追求也相似,真好呀。
谷屹欣, 北京大学教育学院读研究生 (北京) |
“我们很高興為 Lois 選擇了合適她的现代笆蕾舞蹈班,由導師Veronica 的指導下,Lois 在身,心方面都得到很多的益處,她顯得更有自信心和更尊重團隊合作的重要性,對舞蹈的技能也非常專注和重視,最重要的是,Lois 享受和融入每一课,而且她覚得Veronica 就是她的好朋友,所以Lois 会非常期待每節舞蹈课的来臨..."
Doris Wong, 现代笆蕾舞蹈班学员Lois的妈妈 (北京) |
舞蹈治疗师何小媚带领着我们“与梦想共舞”,体验什么是舞蹈治疗。在动感的音乐中,何小媚教会了大家两段舞步,简单的摆手、扭腰、前进步、后退步,就构成了一支活力四射的舞蹈,大家跟随着节拍跳着舞,一点一点活跃了起来。在大家熟练之 后,何小媚开始让大家自由发挥,随性起舞。此时,活跃起来的人们便随心所欲地跳起舞来,有的人奔放狂野、如原始土著在欢庆节日,有的人伸展四肢,尽量舒展身 体,也有的人表演思想者,只是低垂着头,缓缓踱步。“很快就感受到了舞蹈的魅 力,原来跳舞没有这么难,我小时候被老师说四肢僵硬,现在有点打破了…….”有参加者这样评价。
跳完之后,每个人都领到了一件“衣服”,大家要用蜡笔、彩色卡纸、彩色丝带装扮自己的衣服,表达自己的梦想。接着,大家要穿上自己的“梦想”再次起舞。此时,大家两个人组成一队,其中一个人跳舞时,另一个人要注视着他,然后两个人再交换。这一轮跳完后,每个人要用三个正面的词语形容自己的队友,鼓励自己的队 友。“专注、灵动、合作、包容、创造…..”一支舞可以变成让人产生了许多的正向力量和认同。
歌路营“用艺术促进青少年成长”工作坊 (北京) |
仲娜, 儿童项目高级培训师 (北京) |